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Signs You Need Pest Control for Rodents

Rodent infestation is no laughing matter. Whether you own a business, manage a property or are a homeowner, rodent infestation can wreak havoc on your property, bring health hazards, and cause significant financial loss. Therefore, it’s always better to get rid of the problem before it escalates. In this blog, we’ll talk about the signs that indicate you need pest control for rodents.

1. Droppings and Urine:

It is the most common and significant sign of rodent infestation. Rodents, including mice and rats, produce fecal pellets and urine everywhere they go, such as along the walls, in drawers, behind appliances, and so on. If you see droppings or urine stains around these areas, it’s time to get pest control to deal with rodent infestation.

2. Nesting:

Rodents like to create a nest in a warm and dark place. If you find any indication of nesting material such as shredded paper, fabric, or cardboard, it’s a red flag for rodent infestation. Keep in mind that nesting can lead to a serious infestation of rodents and should be handled promptly.

3. Strange Noises:

If you hear odd scratching or gnawing sounds coming from the walls, attic, or crawl space, it’s likely that you have a rodent infestation. Rodents are nocturnal animals, so you may hear them making noises at night when they are most active. Be sure to inspect these areas thoroughly to determine the severity of the infestation.

4. Chew Marks:

Rodents have a habit of chewing on almost everything, including food packaging, wires, and even structural wood. If you notice chew marks on electrical wires, insulation, or other wooden structures, it’s highly probable that rodents have been busy at work. These chew marks can lead to costly repairs and, worse, electrical fires.

5. Strong Odor:

Rodents produce an unpleasant odor, especially when they infest a confined area. The musky smell gets worse as the infestation grows. If you notice a pungent odor, it’s a sign that rodents have infested the area for a long period and require professional intervention.

In conclusion, rodents are a serious pest problem that needs to be addressed promptly. If you have noticed any of the signs mentioned above, it’s time to call professionals for rodent control. In most cases, DIY pest control methods may only provide temporary relief, but ultimately you will need professionals to eliminate the problem completely. Professional pest control services use safe and effective methods to get rid of rodents from your property without causing harm to your family, employees, or pets. Remember, the sooner you address the problem, the less financial loss and discomfort you will have to face in the future.

Contact a local company to learn more about pest control services.